GORD to become the only IEA member from MENA region

On October 16, 2014, the International Energy Agency (IEA) launched the 76th executive committee meeting of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (SHC) which was hosted by China Academy of Building Research (CABR) in Beijing, China.
The Programme’s work is unique in that it is accomplished through the international collaborative effort of experts from country members, sponsor members and the European Union. From Qatar & on behalf of Gulf Organization for Research & Development (GORD), Dr Yousef Al Horr, attended the meeting.
GORD participation was an excellent opportunity to interact with counterparts conducting research within the solar heating & cooling and share the activities’ outcomes with the international community. As it will also help all parties contributing in the program to exchange ideas and share experiences in this important area. GORD will collaborate in the research, development and demonstration of new energy technologies to reduce excessive reliance on imported oil, increase long-term energy security and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
We are looking to participate actively and leading some of the SHC research tasks and programs. As we offer collaboration on distinct new generation of solar cooling systems and also to further develop more environmentally sensible software systems relevant to the humidity, temperature and harsh environment within the Gulf area. quoted Dr. Yousef Al Horr, founding chairman, GORD.
Moreover, GORD has won the vote to host & organize the Executive Committee meeting of the SHC in November 2016. The event itself is a routine meeting for the Executive Committee where the members of the representing governments of the participating countries discuss different tasks, achievements, work plan and progress; and agree on the future new research tasks and program.
About IEA / SHC Programme:
The Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (SHC) was established in 1977, one of the first programmes of the International Energy Agency (IEA), to promote the use of all aspects of solar thermal energy. The Programme’s work is unique in that it is accomplished through the international collaborative effort of experts from member countries and the European Union.
All participating countries and members including GORD are benefiting from SHC programme through:
- Accelerates the pace of technology development
- Promotes standardization
- Enhances national R&D programmes
- Permits national specialization
- Saves time and money