Green Expo Forum 2016 Opens in Doha, Hosted by GORD in collaboration with the SC and Qatari Diar
The anticipated three-day sustainability event Green Expo Forum 2016 opened in Doha-Qatar at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel hosted by Gulf Organisation for Research and Development (GORD) in collaboration with the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy (SC) and Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company. Green Expo Forum 2016, featured two major events: “The Carbon & Climate Change Summit" and the “Sustainable Built Environment Conference". The aim of the Expo was to gather experts and practitioners from International Energy Agency, European Union, UNFCCC in addition to experts from the government as well as the private sector to discuss various topics on sustainability and climate change.
Commenting on the initiatives, Dr. Yousef Alhorr, Founding Chairman of Gulf Organisation for Research and development said,
It is quite significant that this conference coincides with the UN Climate Change Conference COP22 at its twenty-second session in the city of Marrakech, Morocco.GORD and its strategic partners strive to introduce efficient and innovative solutions to address crucial issues pertaining to the environment and to help the region deliver its commitments to reduce its carbon footprint.
The Carbon & Climate Change Summit on 7 November 2016 is keen to highlight the climate change challenges as well as seek long-term solutions to take us forward to a low-carbon and climate-resilient future. The summit will bring together carbon capture and GHG reduction technologies decision-makers, scientists, and government officials to network, get high-level strategic updates from experts, hear case studies on emerging technologies and research in the industry helping to move forward, and connect with one another on new ideas, research, and business opportunities in 2016 and beyond. The Summit features the following sessions:
Session 1: Climate Policy Context-Global and Regional
Session 2: Technology Context for Climate-friendly Solar Energy
Session 3: Economic Diversification, Carbon Pricing, Climate Finance
The Sustainable Built Environment Conference on 8-9 November 2016 is the regional conference for GCC and MENA region on sustainable construction and urban development. The conference aims to drive innovation in the design of built environment, as well as promoting education and collaboration in the field. The conference will serve as a platform for exchange between researchers and practitioners of the construction industry to foster the implementation of sustainability standards in the built environment.The conference will address the latest research and developments in sustainable building design through these sessions:
Session 1: Urban planning and integration of energy systems
Session 2: Public sector leadership in driving sustainability in civic projects
Session 3: Technologies for sustainable built environment
Session 4: Buildings design, technologies and materials
Session 5: Awards of Recognition For Individuals
Session 6: Energy efficiency renewable energy prospectus

Renowned experts in various fields of sustainability spoke during the three-day Forum:
- Dr. Yousef Alhorr, Founding Chairman of Gulf Organisation for Research and Development (GORD)
H.E. Eng. Mohammed bin Saud Mohammed Al Musallam, President of Qatar Standardization and Metrology Authority.
H.E. Hassan Al Thawadi, Secretary General Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy
Eng. Essa Mohammed Ali Kaldari, CEO Lusail Real Estate Development Company
H.E. Eng. Nasser bin Ali Al Mawlawi, President of Public Works Authority (Ashghal)
Federico Addiechi, Head of Sustainability & Diversity FIFA
Dr. Gajanana Hegde United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Kishor Rajhansa, GORD
Ken Guthrie, International Energy Agency- Solar Heating and Cooling Society (IEA-SHC)
Dr. Daniel Mugnier, TECSOL (IEA-SHC)
Michael Köhl, Fraunhofer Institute (IEA-SHC)
Ms. Maria Vagliasindi, The World Bank
Ms. Lucie Berger, Trade & Economic Affairs, European Union Delegation to GCC Countries
Clemens Ploechl Energy Changes Project Management
Bärbel Epp, Solrico (IEA-SHC)
Mr. Werner sWeiss, Institute for Sustainable Technologies (AEE INTEC) (IEA-SHC)
Maria Wall, Division of Energy and Building Design, Lund University, Sweden.
Ms. Sabine Putz, S.O.L.I.D (IEA-SHC)
Dr. David Renné, International Solar Energy Society (ISES) (IEA-SHC)
Yazeed Al Thenyah, INDEXA Urban Planning
Dr. Sean Cashin, Daruna Development
Mr. Ghassan, Oueijan Nakheel
Eslam Abdelfattah, Alwaab Plastics
Mr. Shashi Prakash, Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy
Mr. Nitin Doshi, Lusail City
Jeffery Kersey, Qatar Rail
Arch. Kareem Ali Mansour, Public Works Authority (Ashghal)
Dr. Suad Abdul Wahed Abdulrahman Alradhwan, Kuwait National Petroleum Company
Mr. Arne Heuzeroth, YAZAKI Energy System Corporation (IEA-SHC)
Prof. He Tao, China Academy of Building Research (IEA-SHC)
Dr. Jan de Boer, Fraunhofer Institute of Building Physics
Steffen Klingler, KOP GmbH.
Ms. Caroline Spirinckx, VITO Energyville
Dr. Fodil Fadli, Qatar University
Prof. Mohammad Arif, University of Salford
Dr. Abdullah Kadri, Qatar Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC)
A large number of professionals including practitioners, regulators, NGO representatives, researchers, members of academia and press who had traveled from all over the region to attend The Green Expo Forum 2016, applauded the initiative from GORD and many commented that they cannot wait for Green Expo 2017 which is going to be an even bigger event with many added programs and features. The event received extensive coverage from the print, electronic, digital and social media.