Workshop on assessment of energy performance of facilities according to GSAS standards
GORD Academy conducted a workshop on GSAS Energy Assessment, in order to provide the professionals with a comprehensive understanding of GSAS Energy Assessment Framework and to demonstrate practically how to implement best practices on building energy conservation.
Moderated by Eng. Zaki Ahmed, MEP Team Leader & GSAS Senior Project Manager at GORD, the session examined various GSAS tools and the best practices in calculating the energy performance of buildings through error-free submissions.
GSAS Construction Management Energy calculator was also explicitly explained, demonstrating live projects and submission examples for clarity. The workshop also browsed the Operations Certificate Energy Calculator presenting the latest version of GSAS Calculators using the Visual Basic programming language Software, which is considered to be a simple, intuitive, and user-friendly language.
Energy use is one of the most important environmental issues and managing its use is should be anticipated in any community. Buildings are the dominant energy consumers. Statistics clearly indicate that 30 to 40% of all primary energy is used for buildings operation which are considered responsible for 40–50% of greenhouse gas emissions. One of the main goals of GSAS is to control the building’s depletion of fossil energy over its service life. In line with this noble goal, the Energy category in GSAS consists of factors associated with the energy demand of buildings, the efficiency of energy delivery, and the use of fossil energy sources that result in harmful emissions. To mitigate the impacts of fossil energy, several strategies need to be adopted such as designing the building to lower its energy demand, selecting efficient building systems, lowering the demand on non-renewable sources of energy and minimizing the amount of harmful substances produced by the energy delivery systems and the energy supply network.
Around fifty professionals working in various disciplines in the construction industry of Qatar and other countries in the MENA region namely Kuwait and Lebanon. We took this opportunity to talk to them and learn how they look at GSAS and how this workshop helped them in applying the certification standards in relation to their respective projects.
Workshop on assessment of energy performance of facilities according to GSAS standards