Kuwait’s Al Sayer Group receives GSAS Platinum certification

In line with Al Sayer Holding’s commitment to sustainable growth, Al Sayer Mega Delivery Center has achieved green building certification for sustainable operations. The project received Platinum rating under the Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) awarded by the Gulf Organisation for Research & Development (GORD). The award was handed over by Dr. Yousef Alhorr, Founding Chairman of GORD, to AlSayer’s Chairman, Mr. Faisal Bader Al-Sayer.
Following the certification, Al Sayer will further enhance the environmental performance of its project through the adoption of ESCO model that allows businesses to upgrade and optimize their systems for enhanced energy efficiency, without bearing the financial risks attached with the improvements. To this end, Al Sayer will enter Energy Saving Performance Contract early next year and GORD will work as the external authority for the measurement and verification of potential energy savings in the future. Exceeding the energy performance through intended upgrade will potentially result in Al Sayer Mega Delivery Center achieving the outstanding Diamond rating under GSAS framework.
Dr. Yousef Alhorr, Founding Chairman of GORD said, “Al Sayer Group has always played an instrumental role in transitioning Kuwait’s built environment towards a climate-resilient future. With the implementation of GSAS on their projects, Al Sayer has remained a long-time strategic partner of GORD.”
Mr. Mohamed Naser Al-Sayer, Executive Board Member and Chairman of Sustainability Committee at ALSAYER Group, said, “In ALSAYER Group, we realize that one of the most important pieces in the climate-change puzzle is achieving a balance between natural resources and human consumption that is respectful of the nature yet fuels our modern way of life. For the future of our planet and the humans who populate it, it is vital to weigh the competing needs of environmental protection and human development so both the nature and society are able to flourish.”
Within Kuwait, Al Sayer Mega Delivery Center is among the largest commercial buildings in terms of size and capacity. Boasting ace sustainability credentials, the project houses a 1 Megawatt solar PV installation that meets approximately 25% of the facility's annual electricity needs, thereby resulting in significant energy savings. The project’s total energy consumption has been further trimmed down with the use of efficient LED lighting fixtures that also prevent indoor heat gain otherwise encountered with conventional lighting installations.
To ensure low-carbon thermal comfort, Al Sayer Mega Delivery Center is equipped with highly efficient HVAC system with centralized chillers and a control system. Alongside thermal comfort, indoor spaces have been designed and constructed to provide improved air quality, daylight and acoustics, keeping in mind occupants’ health and wellbeing. To achieve this, the project benefitted from high-quality and non-toxic building materials. For long-term impact, Al Sayer Group regularly holds awareness campaigns and maintains policies that endorse sustainability as part of the facility’s day-to-day operations.
The Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) is MENA’s first performance-based green buildings certification system aimed at improving the design, construction and operations of buildings while also addressing sustainability challenges specific to the region’s built environment. GSAS Operations (GSAS-OP) is one of the three certifications under GSAS framework. Specifically meant for post-occupancy stage, the certification is designed to recognize a project’s achievement in terms of sustainable operational practices. GSAS Operations deals with the environmental footprint of projects in post-construction stage. Accordingly, the achievements of projects are acknowledged through five certification ratings i.e. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond with Diamond representing the highest score. This has meant that Al Sayer’s latest project has achieved the second highest rating and is aiming to achieve the highest possible rating after ESCO adoption. Despite the environmental benefits of energy efficiency projects, uptake of such projects from private sector has remained considerably low because of the financial obligations attached with them. Al Sayer’s adoption of ESCO approach will not only highlight the benefits of performance-based contracting methodology but also provide much-needed impetus to the market.
Al Sayer Mega Delivery Center is not the first GSAS-certified project by the organization. In the past Al Sayer’s Aftersales Center at Fahaheel, Al Sayer Head Office 1 and Al Sayer Showroom received GSAS Operations certificates with excellent ratings. The latest GSAS certification in Kuwait follows a series of initiatives taken by the country to move its built environment towards a sustainable future – a goal that also aligns with New Kuwait Vision 2035.
مجموعة الساير تحصل على شهادة "جي ساس" البلاتينية لأكبر مركز تجهيز و تسليم السيارات – العارضيه بدولة الكويت

كجزء من مهمتنا لتحقيق أجندة التنمية المستدامة 2030 وتماشيًا مع خطة التنمية الوطنية للكويت 2035 ، منحت المنظمة الخليجية للبحث والتطوير مركز تسليم سيارات تويوتا الجديد التابع لمجموعة الساير– العارضية في الكويت تصنيف بلاتيني لـشهادة “جي ساس" للعمليات بما يتماشى مع الهدف المتمثل في خلق بيئة نحو مستقبل مستدام ، والذي يتزامن أيضًا مع رؤية الكويت الجديدة 2035
قام بتسليم الجائزة الدكتور يوسف بن محمد الحر ، رئيس مجلس إدارة المنظمة الخليجية للبحث والتطوير (جورد) إلى السيد فيصل بدر الساير، رئيس مجلس إدارة مجموعة الساير.
تم منح مركز تسليم السيارات شهادة عمليات “جي ساس" تقديراً لتنفيذ التدابير المستدامة مثل:
- يضم سطح المبنى أكبر مشروع للطاقة الشمسية الكهروضوئية في القطاع الخاص، يخدم مركز تجهيز و تسليم السيارات بسعة 1 ميجاوات، ويولد النظام حوالي 1.5 جيجاوات ساعة سنويًا والتي تغطي ما يعادل 25% من استهلاك المبنى وتقليل البصمة الكربونية بمقدار 950 طن متري من انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون.
- تقنية غسيل السيارات الأوتوماتيكية والتي تتضمن نظام التناضح العكسي لإعادة تدوير المياه مما يقلل من التأثيرالبيئي. باستخدام هذه التقنية، يتم إعادة تدوير ما يصل إلى 80٪ من المياه المستخدمة وإعادة استخدامها.
- نظام التدفئة والتهوية وتكييف الهواء عالي الكفاءة
- واجهات زجاجية كبيرة عالية الأداء لضوء النهار الطبيعي
- بيئة داخلية صحية لجميع العاملين والزائرين
- عزل حراري فعال للجدران الخارجية والأسقف العلوية من أجل نظام تكييف هواء فعال
- أحدث تجهيزات إضاءة موفرة للطاقة
- خلاطات المياه الكهروضوئية
بالإضافة إلى ما سبق ، يقوم مركز الساير بفرز النفايات من المصدر وتسهيل إعادة تدوير الورق وزيت المحرك وتحويل كمية كبيرة من النفايات من مكبات النفايات.