GSO Technical Committee appoints the State of Qatar as the head Secretariat of the GSO Technical Subcommittee for Green Buildings (TC6-SC1)
The State of Qatar was appointed by the GCC Standardization Organization (GSO) Technical Committee for Construction and Building Materials (TC6) on the 38th meeting held in Riyadh, to head the secretariat of the Green Buildings Committee (TC6/SC1) and Dr. Yousef Alhorr, GORD’s Founding Chairman, was announced as the President of the Committee.
Following his appointment Dr. Yousef met with the GSO Technical Committee for Construction and Building Materials (TC6) to present the overall proposed plan and its related activities for the committee for the coming few years.
In his presentation, Dr Yousef highlighted the objectives of the GSO Technical Subcommittee for Green Buildings, main areas of focus and its approach to integrate industry requirements with regulatory frameworks.
The presentation also discussed various proposed activities including, but not limited to, developing standards related to green buildings material, buildings operations, life cycle assessment for construction materials, energy efficient systems labelling. Also, the plan includes organizing capacity building training workshops aiming at improving technical skills of practitioners and raining awareness among public on green buildings practices through forums, seminars and conferences.
During the meeting, GCC member states acknowledged GORD and its efforts being made to achieve more coordination and cooperation between the member states in the standardization areas with a view to unifying regulations in this respect.