GSAS is a cornerstone to environmental security, economic growth and social development in Arabian Gulf
Dr. Yousef Mohammed Al Horr, Founding Chairman of the Gulf Organization for Research & Development (GORD), Qatar's leading research, consultancy and training institute, discussed the importance of the Global Sustainability Assessment System (G-SAS), the Middle East first integrated and performance-based building assessment system, in developing the concepts of sustainability across the urban landscape and promoting comprehensive development in the long term. During his participation in the Green Building Forum, which was recently hosted by the College of Technological Studies in Kuwait, Al Horr shed light on the challenges in the design and implementation of buildings, especially on environment, public health and climate change, underlining the role of sustainability-driven design practices in reducing pollution and protecting the environment and natural resources.
The Green Building Forum attracted participants from government authorities, ministries, private companies and academic institutions. Dr. Yousef Al Horr opened the Forum with a lecture on the role of G-SAS as a cornerstone in creating a sustainability-based urban ecosystem that does not compromise on environmental security; and as an autonomous standard for establishing solid foundations and effective methods to reduce energy consumption and promote sustainable development in line with the urban identity of the Arab Gulf region. Al Horr further pointed out the growing need to adopt a large-scale green building approach across the Gulf region, emphasizing on the environmental benefits such as conservation of energy, water, building materials and natural resources, as well as reducing air pollution and carbon emissions. He added that the green building approach is not merely limited to environmental benefits; it is also considered as a key driver for economic and social development, in reducing operational and maintenance costs and creating a healthy and safe environment.
Al Horr presented a detailed overview of G-SAS, which is based on 40 regional and international building codes and also takes into account the region environmental, climate and geological conditions to create a balance between development requirements and sustainability objectives in a way that addresses the needs of local communities. The Founding Chairman of GORD talked about the role of G-SAS in reducing carbon footprint, and called upon all Gulf countries to adopt this system on a larger scale and to take bold steps in cultivating a green building culture and strengthening the Arabian Gulf region reputation as a leader in sustainable development.
Al Horr said: This important forum acts as an interactive platform that gathers leading governmental authorities, private companies, academic institutions and professional organizations, along with a group of professional experts in green building. We were overwhelmed with the great response towards our participation in the event as we discussed G-SAS, whose effective sustainability and development components have made it one of the leading standards that cater to the needs of the Arab Gulf countries. We look forward to cooperating with relevant organizations in the region to raise greater awareness about the importance of implementing sustainability concepts for environmental protection and economic development. We also aim to optimize competences in the urban development sector by launching similar initiatives that raise awareness about importance of sustainability and its vital role in creating a better environment.
Al Horr commended Kuwait efforts in promoting the concept of green building by hosting the Forum, which has provided a perfect opportunity to share expertise and latest knowledge and information on various green building and sustainability practices that help construction professionals face emerging challenges in urban development. He also expressed his enthusiasm on the positive impact of implementing the green concepts, emphasizing GORD commitment to working with various entities involved in urban development in Kuwait, Qatar and other Gulf countries to adopt G-SAS, expanding the expertise of construction professionals and guiding them towards sustainable and green practices.