GORD Bright Minds Programme continues to grow
Among high performing secondary school students, six ones are continuing their successful journey to unravel the mysteries of Bright Minds program, the latest community engagement programme from the joint-effort of GORD and QAPCO, where the former played a central role in conceptualizing and supervising the programme, while the later is sponsoring & providing technical input to the program.
Bright Minds is an innovative programme developed by GORD aims to provide the students with the necessary theoretical principles and practical skills to build their capacity in a variety of contexts related to different engineering disciplines.
The topics of the programme included electrical and electronic principles, digital and analogue devices and circuits, mechanical systems, physical and engineering principles, and basics of renewable and non-renewable energy.
As part of the programme, the batch of the ambitious young students are translating and converting their ideas and experiences into a working model of a ìSustainable Smart House which will be presented during the graduation ceremony by the 1st quarter of 2015. This ìSustainable Smart House model is including several technologies related to the course of study.
“GORD is committed to support the Qatar National Vision 2030 of empowering a new generation of future leaders. With this successful continuing programme of Bright Minds and the model house which the students are innovating, our latest community-centric initiative becomes an immediate gateway to new realms of scientific research and expression," said Dr. Yousef Alhorr, Chairman, GORD.