GORD Academy conducted its 1st Typology-Based Workshop on “Healthcare”
The purpose of the workshop is to allow professionals to gain deep understanding of the GSAS categories and criteria from typologies as well as Discipline-Based perspectives. Each certificant can select his/her choice of certification schemes based on his/her own interest or the GORD Academy’s progression requirements.
Topics discussed during the seminar were:
- • The Healthcare categories and its impact on environment
• Evaluate the impact of new healthcare buildings
• Evaluate the aspects that have a lasting environmental impact
• Perform measurements related to normative standards & practices
• Consider what impacts the project can mitigate
• Energy Assessment for Healthcare scheme
The participants in this workshop earned an equivalent of 2 Continuing Education Units (2 CEUs) in the GSAS – Certification Schemes program.
The CEU is a demonstration of personal commitment to their career and profession and is a mandatory credentialing requirement for maintenance and career progression for GSAS-Certified Green Professionals (GSAS-CGP).