Dr. Al Horr presents Sustainability in the Gulf Region Challenges and Opportunities during the Kuwait Green Building Forum

Organized under the auspices of His Excellency Dr. Fadhel Safer Ali Safar, Kuwait’s Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for Planning & Development Affairs, the Forum aims to unite forces for spreading the green building movement through education and networking.
Founding Chairman of GORD Dr. Yousef Mohammed Al Horr invited to the inauguration of Kuwait Green Build Forum shed light on “Sustainability in the Gulf Region: Challenges and Opportunities”.
As conference delegates and representatives of Kuwait public & private sectors listened intently, Dr. Yousef Al-Horr outlined how G-SAS, the Middle East’s first and only performance-based sustainability rating system, addressed the unique cultural and environmental challenges of GCC countries.
Dr Yousef commented “Without doubt G-SAS is the GCC’s sustainable development solution. The system addresses sustainability goals specific to the region & also meets the toughest international standards.
The built environment, in GCC and across the globe, contributes to air pollution, land use and contamination, fossil fuel and water depletion, water pollution, materials depletion, impacts on human health, and climate change. Responsible design, construction and building operations can mitigate the negative effects of the built environment. G-SAS focuses on local needs and implements the best practices taking into consideration the region’s social, economic, environmental and cultural conditions which are different from other parts of the world. Issues such as desertification, scarcity of water and cultural identity were approached in a way which suits the region.”