Development of GSAS Infrastructure Scheme

GORD is pleased to announce the development of its latest scheme “GSAS Infrastructure” which addresses issues related to large physical networks necessary for the functions of an industrialized nation including transportation, communications, waste management, energy, and water management.
The development of the scheme for infrastructure was based on a thorough review of all relevant guidelines and standards adopted world-wide such as CEEQUAL, PRESI, SSI, ISI, and other sustainable infrastructure initiatives. The underlying basis of such systems were analyzed in order to build on existing best practices and select best approaches and proven successes from past and ongoing developments.
Without infrastructure, society would lack the necessary services and facilities that enable an economy to perform successfully. By improving infrastructure systems and delivery methods, engineers, planners, designers, and society at large can reduce environmental impacts and benefit future generations by encouraging sustainable development. By introducing this new scheme, GSAS is currently addressing the built environment from a holistic approach tackling urbanization issues from micro and macro levels.