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Acting President of Kuwait University, Prof. Suad Al-Fadhli hosted the Founding Chairman of GORD

HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani

The Acting President of Kuwait University, Professor Suad Al-Fadhli, hosted the Founding Chairman of the Gulf Organisation for Research and Development (GORD) in the State of Qatar, Dr. Yousef M. Alhorr, in the presence of the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at Kuwait University, Dr. Omar Khattab.

The visit aimed to introduce the senior management of the university to the joint cooperation with GORD, in the field of training and qualifying the students of Kuwait University’s Faculty of Architecture on the green buildings and sustainability in the built environment within the framework of the Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS).

For his part, the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Dr. Omar Khattab, stressed on the MoU signed last year between 3 parties, the Faculty of Architecture, GORD and Al-Sayer group to train the students to apply green building principles in all their architectural design projects in the State of Kuwait, stating that the cooperation also included holding workshops to familiarize faculty members with the Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) due to its great importance in preserving buildings and making them greener and healthier, highlighting the importance of continuing the collaboration with GORD.

Speaking about the visit, Dr. Yousef Alhorr, GORD’s Founding Chairman, highlighted the aspects of the cooperation between GORD and the Faculty of Architecture, represented in exchanging visits and holding various workshops in this field and teaching the requirements of GSAS for green buildings and sustainability in the built environment. He also pointed out that the first training workshop was held for faculty members and students, in addition to a group of female and male students of the Faculty of Architecture, under the supervision of professors, visiting some sustainable projects in the State of Qatar, such as the stadiums that hosted the 2022 World Cup, as well as major projects such as train stations and infrastructure projects, including the airport and new cities. Which were designed and built on the basis of green buildings, indicating that there is future cooperation through the establishment of an international conference on sustainability to serve as a basis for highlighting sustainability projects in the State of Kuwait, where experts from GORD and international experts were invited to exchange views to present the latest experiences and ideas. between all parties.

 In conclusion, Dr. Alhorr thanked the Faculty of Architecture for their push for the joint work process, hoping to continue this cooperation and expand its fields in the future.

مدير جامعة الكويت بالإنابة أ.د. سعاد الفضلي استضافت رئيس مجلس إدارة المنظمة الخليجية للبحث والتطوير في دولة قطر

Dr Yousef in Kuwait

استضافت مديرة جامعة الكويت بالإنابة الأستاذة الدكتورة سعاد الفضلي رئيس مجلس إدارة المنظمة الخليجية للبحث والتطوير في دولة قطر الشقيقة الدكتور يوسف بن محمد الحر، وذلك بحضور القائم بأعمال عميد كلية العمارة بجامعة الكويت الأستاذ الدكتور عمر خطاب.

وهدفت الزيارة إلى تعريف إدارة الجامعة بالتعاون المشترك القائم بين المنظمة الخليجية للبحث والتطوير ومقرها واحة قطر للعلوم والتكنولوجيا في دولة قطر الشقيقة وكلية العمارة في مجال تدريس وتعليم نظم البناء الأخضر ونظم تقييم المباني الخضراء.

ومن جانبه بين القائم بأعمال عميد كلية العمارة الدكتور عمر خطاب وجود مذكرة تفاهم ثلاثية موقعة بين كلية العمارة والمنظمة الخليجية وشركة الساير لتدريس مقررات تتعلق باستدامة المباني والبناء الأخضر وتطبيقها على المباني في دولة الكويت، وأيضاً تدريسها للطلبة من خلال مقرر علمي العام الماضي، مفيداً أن هذا التعاون شمل كذلك إقامة ورش عمل لتعريف أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالنظام لأهميته الشديدة في المحافظة على المباني وجعلها خضراء وأكثر صحية، مؤكداً على ضرورة استمرارية هذا التعاون مع المنظمة الخليجية للبحث والتطوير.